
Developers work locally in their favourite environments and stay in sync with editors changing content on Babel Cloud, all through the power of Git.

Deploy Anywhere

Need to host on your own servers? Automatically output the built static site to a branch in your repository, then deploy it to your preferred hosting service.

Flexible publishing workflows

Create your own staging workflow and approval process, powered by Git branching.

Git Sync

Connect your GitHub or Bitbucket repository to CloudCannon. When there’s a commit, CloudCannon pulls in the latest code, builds your Jekyll site and makes it available to the CMS and Hosting. Changes made by editors on CloudCannon are also committed back to the repository.

Our Ethos

Continuous Delivery

CI/CD is a principle of DevOps we’re all familiar with, but effectively automating and connecting activities across teams and their fragmented tools is easier said than done. To remedy this, we developed our version of DevOps (or software) Assembly Lines. Guided by AWS Well Architected Frameworks, we practice “everything as code”, modular programming, and automating tasks to reduce manual, error-prone steps. By creating repeatable processes, we’re able to deliver cost and time saving to you.

Immutable Infrastructure

Drift, security, and version control are all challenges that can be eliminated with an immutable infrastructure. Our approach creates a single source of truth for your AWS environment, uses proven, best practice tools for the job, and reduces your technical debt. Not only can we help you simplify and speed up your deployments, we make it easier for your teams to collaborate, and provide you with an audit trail for code changes.


Building and running reliable, efficient production systems begins with aligning on service level objectives (SLOs). We believe reliability also requires constant monitoring and reporting to reduce and eventually eliminate manual, repetitive, linear scaling work that can be automated. Operations is part of our DNA, and the idea of site reliability engineering (SRE) is a natural extension of our approach. We provide you with DevOps and SRE best practices regardless of your internal structure.


The adage, “if you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it,” holds true in many ways, though we substitute the word “optimize” for “manage”. Continuity and uptime are critical for development teams, and the more resilient the application or workload, the lower the probability of an application outage. We believe in data driven decision making in both throughput measures and stability measures. The key measures we consider are deployment frequency, lead time for changes, mean time to restore, change failure rate, and AWS cost efficiency.

Order of Magnitude

As a champion for our customers, we believe in delivering exponential value to their efforts. We believe in transparency, collaboration, and simplicity. Our team eliminates the need for customers to expend energy on AWS R&D. It’s time consuming and expensive. We know what’s important, can see around the corners, and are able to respond quickly. Working with us means you’re going to market with a team of experts who have your back.

The tools you love

Build sites using Jekyll, Liquid, Sass and any CSS or JavaScript frameworks you like. Develop in your local environment then sync to Babel Cloud with a git push.

Our Core Values

AWS Well Architected Design & Build:

Encompassing five pillars, the framework ensures a secure, reliable, resilient, and scalable infrastructure.

Portfolio Planning:

We’ll help you determine the best options based on your business case. We’ll map dependencies and provide best practice recommendations.

ManBusiness Planning: age

We work with you to understand your business case and advise you on your objectives, potential opportunities, and constraint considerations.